Economic (in)justice

There are 9 posts in this category

Wealth Inequality – from Daniel Blake to Robo Debt

April 28th, 2017   

I recently watched “I, Daniel Blake” and “The Founder” in a single viewing, immersed in the story of wealth inequality unfolding between their extremes. These films, closer to fact than politicians care to admit, reflect the lived reality of punitive welfare systems on the one hand, and unfettered plutocracy on the other. They have close parallels in current Australian society.

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Slow clap for part-time work

October 14th, 2016   

“I am not going to demonise part-time employment. I’m going to support it and applaud it,” (Minister for Employment). This applause was greeted with a slow clap – by underemployed workers and those who empathise with their position. Here I collate some responses, which I also sent to Canberra for the minister’s comment.

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This is what it’s like to need income support

April 16th, 2016   

Following a media report that “around a quarter of dole recipients are skipping job interviews or rejecting work,” I collated responses from those at the pointy end of the “dole bludger” narrative. I have reproduced these responses (with initials only, not names) – pretty much as they were posted on my Facebook page. They speak for themselves.

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When parents are in prison

March 24th, 2016   

What would it be like to have a parent in prison? How would it change everyday life? How would you go about dealing with courts, police and jails? What supports would be useful along the way? These important questions are largely ignored in existing research, and who is left standing to pursue them in current sociopolitical times? (Joint post with guest blogger, Natasha Graham.)

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Social justice – under the neoliberal table

January 8th, 2016   

I used to believe it was possible to work for social justice by working against discrimination, and that economic justice would follow as a corollary of social equity. This now seems naive. The influence of neoliberal ideology on Australian politics has turned the fight for economic justice into a priority and prerequisite. In this post I talk about my own awakening and the need for interdisciplinary thinking…Joan Beckwith.

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Feeding a community with small change – Woodstock shows the way

May 22nd, 2015   

By adding $0.25 to their supermarket bill, the people of Woodstock (Ontario, Canada) raise $75,000 to $90,000 per year, which is then transferred to cards that are distributed to local folk in need. The cards can be used to buy food and other supermarket supplies. This strikes me as an excellent idea, and I want to see if I can develop something like it in my local Australian community…Joan Beckwith.

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Survival of the richest…

November 30th, 2013   

Remember the story about the camel and the eye of the needle? I know it’s biblical, and this is a secular site, but I found myself thinking about it because some people have way more than they need and others are destitute. Why? Enough is enough, surely? But no, it seems not, and I found myself wondering why…Joan Beckwith.

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Anti-Poverty Week (Letter to PM)

October 14th, 2013   

Poverty is a global obscenity, of course, Mr Abbott, but knowing you as a chap with fierce feelings about ‘borders’, I’m sending along a list of eight issues you should be aware of within Australia on International Day for Eradication of Poverty. (That’s today, 17 October, in case it’s passed you by.) The poor might always be with us, as you say, Mr Abbott, but you’re supposed to be governing for them, too, so please pay attention to these points…Cheers, Joan Beckwith.

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When Newstart means NoStart

August 16th, 2013   

Guest post by Nick Costello
A snapshot of life on government income support by Nick Costello, a Melbourne artist and writer, who says he gave up looking for paid employment or a home of his own long ago, but retains his passion for truth, justice, and inclusiveness. The images included in the post are from his portfolio…Joan Beckwith.

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